Thursday, April 29, 2010


I think it was really big (no pun intended) for Britney Spears to release the unretouched photos from her recent Candies' ad campaign.  Ms. Spears is a young (28) and fit woman who is generally thought of as having a good figure--and she does.  These photos show the reality of a good body vs. the ideal of a body that is the norm in magazines, but is rarely seen at the beach.  If you have a daughter you should show her these photos and remind her that what you see in magazines is an image that has been enhanced by lightning, hair and makeup experts, and retouching.  You should also mention that it's a split second in time and life is not lived that way so she should go easy on herself.  If you have a son, you should show him these photos and remind him that what you see is NOT necessarily what you get--what you get is imperfect--yet it moves, breaths, and is infinitely more fun.  I've never thought of Ms. Spears as much of a role model for young girls but it looks like she's proving me wrong--check her out!

Britney Spears Reveals Unretouched Candies Ads (PHOTOS)


Marriage can be a grind--kids, jobs, and endless trivial, but necessary, things "to do" around the house.  Marriage can be boring but sometimes boring beats the alternative.  This is the premise of the movie Date Night starring Tina Fey and Steve Carell as Phil and Claire Foster.  The Fosters love and are eager please each other, but when Claire hops into bed wearing her spit-laden mouth guard we know the thrill is gone.  In an effort to get the magic back, the suburban couple dresses up and heads to a fancy shmancy Manhattan restaurant.  A case of mistaken identity takes Phil and Claire on the ride of their lives and makes them almost appreciate their boring existence.  Tina Fey is very funny and Steve Carell is his usual nerdy, but hilarious self (Really, this guy is so un-sexy!  I'm betting the director gave Ms. Fey the drooly mouth guard to make his point but he probably told Mr. Carell to just show up in bed and act natural).  I laughed until tears streamed down my face; but I have to tell you, the two handsome men that I was with (one a teenager; the other not a teenager!) didn't laugh nearly as hard as I did.  Despite the pole dance, the car chase (both are departures from the normal fare), and the title, this is ultimately a chick-flick.


David Benioff's City of Thieves is a great book that I hope will be made into a film (unfortunately, a quick search of IMDB didn't show anything currently in the works.)  City of Thieves is a buddy/odd couple/ road trip (minus the car)/ coming-of-age story that takes place during the Nazis' siege of Leningrad.  This compelling book is both frightening and funny with an underlying pathos.  Protagonists Lev Beniov and Kolya are both trying to balance staying alive with having a life when they find themselves in the same prison cell.  Their journey begins when they are released from prison to pursue an impossible task.  Mr. Benioff is an imaginative writer--he turned his novel, 25th Hour, into a screenplay that was brilliantly directed by Spike Lee and should have been nominated for an Oscar back in 2003.  Mr. Lee, if you are listening, I think Jude Law would be a great Kolya--and because he is one of he best actors out there, and he was amazing in your last novel-to-screenplay effort, Ed Norton would be a swell Lev!


Check your mobile phone bills.  When you do you will probably notice that your teen is sending considerably more text messages than he/she is making phone calls.  When it comes to driving, both are dangerous but the combination of teenagers and texting is especially lethal.  You are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash if you are texting and over 60 percent of teens say they text while driving.  Many states have laws that prohibit texting while driving, and there have been recent reports that they are stepping up the enforcement of these laws.  But, will knowing the statistics and law keep teens from texting behind the wheel?  Probably not.  It just doesn't fit with the "it won't happen to me" rebellious nature of the beast.  I have a few ideas that may help teens resist the temptation to text while driving:  1) Make them put their phone in the glove box and lock it before they start the car.  Yes, they can drive around the corner and turn the car off and get their phone out but at least you've made it more difficult.  2)  Show them this YouTube clip YouTube - Texting While Driving - British PSA (warning:  it's very graphic)  3)  Get them to sign a pledge to not text while driving and to wear one of the thumb rings that say, "texting kills" (think Lance Armstrong's yellow Live Strong bracelets, but black and for the thumb!) Thumbs Up to the Safest Holiday Ever - Take the Pledge.  4)  Cross your fingers and pray like crazy!

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