Friday, February 19, 2010


GOOD BAYH WASHINGTON....Evan Bayh, the bi-partisan senator from Indiana, announced this week that he would not seek re-election citing his disillusionment with Washington.  Join the club.  The Tea Party ranks are growing every day, I've been working on my "Modern Voter Manifesto" around the clock, and the temperate David Brooks said recently that for the first time, he could imagine a third party in America.  I watched some of the coverage of the Conservative Political Action Conference (cpac) yesterday and was disappointed, but not surprised, to hear more about how "wrong" democrats are rather than what republicans are planning to do "right".  The democrats are no better--I admonished White House press secretary Robert Gibbs in this blog last Friday for his derisive treatment of Sarah Palin.  When are they going to get it?  We are tired of the puerile bickering that currently defines Washington.  We want honest, transparent dialogue based on facts--not finger pointing.  We want politicians to work together for the greater good of our country instead of politicians making "deals" that serve only a small segment of the population.  Mr. Bayh we will miss your congenial attempts to work across the aisle, but we can't say that we blame you for wanting to get the heck of out Dodge.


Vancouver 2010--So far, the men's half pipe has been my favorite event.   The amount of air these guys get takes my breath away.  I love when Shaun White kisses his board after a run--he may be the coolest guy in the world right now.  The boarders' outfits do a great job reflecting the attitude of the sport--the distressed low-rider jeans, plaid jackets, and the requisite ear buds all say 'it may be the Olympics, but we are here to have FUN'.  Finland comes in second with their jackets sporting the Finnish flag on the back that looks like it's sliding off .

There are fights on couches all across America these days.  Men and women are arguing over whether to watch figure skating or speed skating.  No problems at my house; I am happy to watch Apolo and Shani race around the oval track in their skin-tight body suits and groovy sunglasses sliding passed the competition at the last minute to win a race.  I know I'm a girl (some might even say a girly-girl), but the figure skaters' sequins and glittery make-up leave me feeling like I'm watching an episode of The Jersey Shore.


There was interesting medical information for women out this week.  As you probably know, aspirin therapy is used to prevent strokes and heart attacks.  This week the Journal of Clinical Oncology reported that aspirin taken two to five times a week could prevent the recurrence of breast cancer by fifty percent.  As with cardiovascular health, aspirin is thought to help control cancer by fighting inflammation.  There was also a recent study that suggested that aspirin was potentially beneficial in preventing colon cancer.  Could aspirin be used prophylactically to protect against original breast cancers  as well as other cancers and cardiovascular disease?  Maybe.  Aspirin has many benefits but also comes with risk, so talk to your doctor and check out this information from the Mayo Clinic before starting aspirin therapy.  Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks -

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