Did you notice Ralph Lauren's collection in the paper last week? Between the distressed overalls and the shirt-dresses with the paperboy caps, it's clear that Mr. Lauren is not convinced the recession is over. I, on the other hand, am ready for better times! I loved the feminine and elegant Donna Karen dresses--check them out.
I hear that Mitt Romney has moved to California. What I can't figure out is why. Mr. Romney is almost sure to make another run for the presidency in 2012, but Californians tend to vote more "blue" than "red" in presidential races. Wouldn't it behoove Mr. Romney to set-up camp in a more friendly, or early primary state? Californians are receptive to voting "red" in the governor's race--could Mr. Romney possibly be interested in straightening out California's economic mess, biding his time while Obama finishes out his two terms? Or, maybe he's moved to California to help his friend Meg Whitman with her campaign for governor--she formally announced this week.
The new fall television season has started. Did you see Modern Family (Wednesdays on ABC at 9pm)? The critics loved it and so did I--I think! The scenes that featured the gay couple were very funny. The scenes with the May/December couple were pretty funny too. The third family, the one that might be considered the most normal--father, mother and three kids--hit a little close to home. The kids bicker, there are discipline problems, and the oldest daughter is 15 and boy crazy (I have one of these creatures living in my house). I had to laugh to keep from crying!
And lastly, I leave you with something to make you wildly attractive and desirable--the art of the smeyes. Of course you know this is smiling with your eyes. Tyra Banks told Larry King that it was the key to her success. Don't think that this is a big crow's feet-inducing grin, it's not. Rather, it's a slight squint of the eyes with a very still mouth (Novocaine mouth, Tyra calls it)--the idea is to create a window to the soul, not a view of your dental work. I find it helps to think of something a little naughty. Start practicing!
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